Publications and Research Production

[12] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, T. Iliescu and T. Chacón Rebollo “Variational Multiscale Evolve and Filter Strategies for Convection-Dominated Flows”, submitted, 2024.
[13] A. Borio, F. Marcon and M. Strazzullo, “General Order Virtual Element Methods for Neumann Boundary Optimal Control Problems in Saddle Point Formulation”, submitted, 2024.
[12] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, T. Iliescu and C. Canuto, “New Feedback Control and Adaptive Evolve-Filter-Relax Regularization for the Navier-Stokes Equations in the Convection-Dominated Regime”, submitted, 2023.
[11] M. Strazzullo and F. Vicini “POD‐based reduced order methods for optimal control problems governed by parametric partial differential equation with varying boundary control”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023.
[10] F. Zoccolan, M. Strazzullo and G. Rozza “Stabilized Weighted Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Advection‐Dominated Optimal Control Problems governed by Partial Differential Equations with Random Inputs”, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2024. https://10.1515/jnma-2023-0006
[9] F. Zoccolan, M. Strazzullo and G. Rozza “A Streamline upwind Petrov‐Galerkin Reduced Order Method for Advection‐Dominated Partial Differential Equations under Optimal Control”, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2024.
[8] N. Demo, M. Strazzullo and G. Rozza, “An extended physics informed neural network for preliminary analysis of parametric optimal control problems”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2023.
[7] M. Strazzullo, M. Girfoglio, F. Ballarin, T. Iliescu and G. Rozza, “Consistency of the Full and Reduced Order Models for Evolve-Filter-Relax Regularization of Convection-Dominated, Marginally-Resolved Flows”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022.
[6] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, and G. Rozza, “A Certified Reduced Basis Method for Linear Parametrized Parabolic Optimal Control Problems in Space-Time Formulation”, submitted, 2021.
[5] G. Carere, M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, G. Rozza, R. Stevenson. “Weighted POD-reduction for parametrized PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems with random inputs and its applications to environmental sciences”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2021.
[4] F. Pichi, M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, and G. Rozza, “Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier-Stokes equations and model reduction”, ESAIM: M2AN, 2022. (watch the related talk).
[3] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, and G. Rozza, “POD-Galerkin Model Order Reduction for Parametrized Nonlinear Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control: an Application to Shallow Water Equations”, to appear in Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2020.
[2] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, and G. Rozza, “POD–Galerkin Model Order Reduction for Parametrized Time Dependent Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems in Saddle Point Formulation”, Journal of Scientific Computing, 83(3), pp. 55, 2020.
[1] M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, R. Mosetti and G. Rozza. “Model Reduction for Parametrized Optimal Control Problems in Environmental Marine Sciences and Engineering”, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 40(4), B1055–B1079 (25 pages), 2018.

[2] E. Donadini, M. Strazzullo, M. Tezzele and G. Rozza, “A data-driven partitioned approach for the resolution of time-dependent optimal control problems with dynamic mode decomposition”, in ICOSAHOM proceedings, 2022. 10.1007/978-3-031-20432-6_13
[1] M. Strazzullo, Z. Zainib, F. Ballarin, and G. Rozza, “Reduced order methods for parametrized non-linear and time dependent optimal flow control problems, towards applications in biomedical and environmental sciences”, in ENUMATH2019 proceedings, 2020.

[4] D. Torlo, M.Strazzullo, F. Ballarin and G. Rozza, “Chapter 12: Weighted Reduced Order Methods for Uncertainty Quantification”, in Advanced Reduced Order Methods and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, SIAM,2022.
[3] M.Strazzullo, F. Ballarin and G. Rozza, ““Chapter 2: Finite Element‐Based Reduced Basis Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics”, in Advanced Reduced Order Methods and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, SIAM,2022.
[2] F. Pichi, M.Strazzullo, F. Ballarin and G. Rozza, “Chapter 2: Finite Element‐Based Reduced Basis Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics”, in Advanced Reduced Order Methods and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, SIAM,2022.
[1] F. Ballarin, G. Rozza and M. Strazzullo, “Space-time POD-Galerkin approach for parametric flow control”, in press in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Elsevier,2022.

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